Historical European Martial Arts
in Espoo and Helsinki
Gladiolus School of Arms is a beginner-friendly historical European martial arts (HEMA) training group in the Helsinki/Espoo area. We study Fiore dei Liberi's system, including abrazare, dagger and longsword.
Olemme Helsingin ja Espoon alueella toimiva aloittelijaystävällinen historiallisen eurooppalaisen miekkailun treeniryhmä. Tervetuloa harjoittelemaan Fiore dei Liberin pitkäämiekkaa, tikaria ja aseetonta taistelua kanssamme kaksi kertaa viikossa.
E-mail gladiolusschool [at] gmail.com.
Train with us
- Tuesday, Kannelmäki (Fysio Sakura)
18-19.30 - Wednesday, Leppävaara (Ruusutorpan koulu)
19.30-21.30 - Thursday, Kannelmäki (Fysio Sakura)
Price 12 €/class for non-members.
Both beginners and more advanced practitioners are welcome. Read more about our training ->
By showing up for training, you're agreeing to uphold our Code of Conduct, so please read it first.
Find us on Facebook and Instagram, too! And the Gladiolus Training Facebook group has all the training sessions as events, so please join.
What we do
We train to understand and learn the art of medieval personal combat in its context, using historical sources and physical practice. Our goal is to reconstruct the martial arts systems in late medieval and early Renaissance Europe. And to have enormous fun doing it!
Miksi englanniksi?
Puhumme toki suomeakin! Vakioporukassa sattuu olemaan monta englanninkielistä, joten tunnit pidetään yleensä englanniksi. Huolehdimme kuitenkin siitä, että kaikki tajuavat mitä ollaan tekemässä, ja vaihdamme kieltä tarpeen mukaan.
Actual quotes from training
- "That was fun!"
- "Can we keep going for a few minutes? I want to get this right."
- "Yessss!"
- "I love how you've always made me feel welcome, even as a total beginner."
- "Well done, both of you, that was really clean and effective."
- "So the footwork's like the steps we practiced at the start? Wow, it's almost as if someone had planned this!"
- "Am I doing the tra-volta stabile again?"
- "That was really good advice, I'm getting the elbow lock to work now."